Twenty Wishes for 2017

Twenty Wishes for 2017

The beautiful Laura from Five Little Doves tagged me in the ‘Twenty Wishes for 2017’ post I’ve already written about the one promise I’m making this year, and posted our bucket list for 2017 but I really like the idea of putting…

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I’ve been a bit slack with our Project You and Me lately but I’m determined to keep it going. It’s such a lovely thing to look back on even a few months down the line to remember the little things.…

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Our Happy Notes 2017: A Jar Full of The Little Things

Our Happy Notes 2017: A Jar Full of …

This year for me is really about simplifying. It’s about loving myself more, accepting myself and being proud of what I have achieved. It’s about appreciating each day, and doing things we love to do. It’s not about huge goals…

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Starting With The End – Our 2017 Bucket List

Starting With The End – Our 2017 Bucket List

Whenever I write anything, I almost always write the introduction last. I know where I want to go, and how I want to end but I can never figure out how best to start. I sit staring at a blank…

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This Year, I Love Me

This Year, I Love Me

New Year’s resolutions are flooding my timeline. Claims of “new year, new me!” are everywhere you look. Diets are being started, gym memberships are being signed up for and everyone has bought a new planner in a vow to become…

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