How to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home?

You can assume that the air quality in your home is at a safe level, while in reality it can threaten your family’s health and increase the risk of pneumonia and worsen asthma symptoms. Indoor air pollutants include smoke from the fireplace and from cigarettes, but some pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, are odourless, tasteless, and not visible to the naked eye. And the long-term effects of indoor air pollution are the risk of heart disease, respiratory disease, and cancer.

Be Careful What Cleaning Products You Use

Monitor sources of air pollutants, such as cleaning products, emissions from stoves and propane heaters, paints, solvents, and adhesives to reduce the level of toxins and irritating substances that are released into the air. According to specialists, source control is the most effective solution for indoor air pollution.

Regular maintenance and adjustment of heaters and furnaces reduces their emissions. Try to minimise or not use cleaners and solvents in the room at all, or carefully ventilate the room.

Pay Attention on Appropriate Ventilation

Facilitate the movement of fresh air in your home using appropriate ventilation. Experts recommend the use of an exhaust fan in the kitchen and in the bathroom in order to draw out stale air and facilitate the re-circulation of air in the house. By placing a portable fan by the window to draw out old air, you promote refreshment and good air circulation. Install fans or an air circulation unit in other places in order to improve air quality.

Photo by Daniel Hansen on Unsplash

Install an Air Filtration System

Install an air filtration system or air purifiers in order to filter out dust and dirt from the air. The effectiveness of air filtration systems depends on the model and size of the device. Small desktop systems do not usually remove high levels of air pollutants, but larger models can be more efficient. Read the information on the product label to find out what type of pollutant it is intended for. Many effectively remove dust and pollen, but do not eliminate hazardous gases such as radon.

Avoid the Use of Air Fresheners

According to studies, most store-bought air fresheners, plug-ins, and air disinfectants contain many toxic ingredients: acetone, butane, propane, and formaldehyde, all of which are associated with serious respiratory problems. Before resorting to harmful chemical aerosols and plug-ins, try opening a window and letting in fresh air.

As pleasant as scented candles and potpourri can smell, they don’t make you any favors. Flavored products are packed with toxic chemicals (such as toluene and benzene) and other harmful irritants, so make a choice in favor of products that contain a minimum of harmful substances to the body.

Invest in an Air Purifier

Despite the fact that they can be expensive, electronic air purifiers – especially those with high particle efficiency (HEPA) filters – can do wonders for stuffy rooms.

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Place Plants inside Your Home

Due to their ability to filter carbon dioxide, some indoor plants are known to purify indoor air. Place several potted plants throughout the house so that they can absorb internal toxins and stimulate oxygen production.

Use Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

As you know, carpets are the greatest dust collectors in your home, and if you want to breathe free in your home, you should put efforts to keep your carpets clean. The best option for you would be booking professional cleaning service by Prolux Cleaning. Prolux specialists use only eco cleaning products and innovative cleaning methods, which will leave your carpets perfectly clean and soft. The air quality in your home will improve significantly and you will sense the difference immediately!

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