Happy Notes

A few weeks ago Dilan and I took to the streets of Norwich to spread a little happiness, and to kick start our Random Acts of Kindness Project.

I picked up some coloured card shapes, some blue tack and a sharpie from Poundland and we wrote out some messages we thought might make people smile. Dilan then had great fun finding places to stick our messages around the city. We talked about how seeing one of these messages might make someone’s day a little better and how important it is to try and do that whenever we can. 

This activity only cost us a few pounds and was a really nice way to spend the day exploring our local city. Hopefully we brightened at least one person’s day with these messages, and we definitely had a lot of fun doing it. 

One of my favourite messages, placed in the feeding room in Chaplefield shopping centre 

Have you spotted one of our messages? Let us know! We would love to hear some stories about what other random acts of kindness people have been getting up to; Let me know in the comments or share your activities and ideas on Instagram using the hashtag #summerofRAOKs


  1. Sharon Dickson
    12th August 2016 / 10:08 pm

    Lovely gesturex

  2. 30th August 2016 / 12:31 pm

    You are too sweet! Im so gonna do this when Max is older, he wouldn’t really ‘get’ it yet x

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