We Are Enough – Here We Go

This post was originally posted over on the We Are Enough blog, but I wanted to share it here too. 

The first time I heard about Adam my friend was showing me the stunning newborn photos he had taken of her little boy, Beau, who happens to also be his godson. The pictures were incredible, really breath taking. Adam’s talent and passion for what he does shines through all the photos he takes, and I was immediately attracted to that. Fast forward two years to Beau’s second birthday party, where we finally got a chance to meet properly. He made a dad joke about my ripped jeans during the fireworks (real, not metaphoric) and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now here we are a whole rollercoaster of a relationship later, launching an amazing joint venture that we are both incredibly proud of.

Adam has always pushed me to do all things I’ve wanted to do, all the things I didn’t have the courage to jump into by myself. He’s encouraged me to leave my comfort zone, be braver and try new things. Above all he’s always been there to remind me that I am good enough, that I can do this and that everything will be ok. He was the reason I wrote what became my very first blog post; about how fucking hard motherhood actually is, how we need to be more honest about that to each other, and how grateful I am for people who remind me that I am enough. So when we sat down to work on our new brand and first products, there was only one option in my mind.

No matter who you are, no matter what you do or how you define yourself, you need to hear this. You need to know that however badly you feel like you’re fucking up, however much you struggle, even when you feel like you’ll never get it right – you are enough. I promise you, you are so enough. You are enough to everyone who loves you and to everyone who needs you. You are doing your best, giving it your all and if you could see yourself as they see you, you’d understand how wonderful they think you really are.

We Are Enough Co is your reminder. We will remind you on even your darkest day that you can do this, because you’ve got this, and everything will be ok. We want to empower and unite people in every situation – mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters. We want to support you through your bad times and help you celebrate your good ones. Our vision is to do this through a series of collections which you’ll find in the shop. Each item has been designed with this message in mind, taking inspiration from so many cool places, and with each item sold we will be donating a percentage of profits to charities who are helping to empower and strengthen the people who really need it most.

So now here we are, just launched our first products. We’re terrified of course, but we are so sure that our message is one that needs to be heard we’re pushing through the fear, and just crossing everything that you all love it as much as we do. I feel so grateful to be a part of what is such a warm and supportive community, and to have someone by my side who gives me the push I need to take the leaps. They say that life begins on the edge of your comfort zone, so here we go….
Head over to We Are Enough Co to check out our signature collection and read all about the fantastic charity we are supporting. Follow us on Instagram (@weareenoughco) or find us on Facebook to keep up with all the latest news and info 


  1. 16th December 2016 / 9:59 pm

    This is amazing! Love this! Such a fantastic idea and I am sure will resonate with so many people. I’m so happy that you have someone by your side who has encouraged and supported you in this and everything. We all need someone like that in our lives. Although we should all remember that we are enough, sometimes we need others to remind us. Xx

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