I won’t lie and pretend to you I’ve been super organised and had this post written days ago. It’s 1:30am on Tuesday morning and I’m just getting around to it. It’s been another super busy week here and without this linky it would be so easy for me to just carry on with my days, and forget about all the lovely little things that have happened this week, so I’m really grateful for having a reason to take some time to reflect. Plus, who needs sleep any way.
It’s The Little Things
- Family. Growing up I wasn’t a big ‘family person’ and I really want that to be different for Dil. Last week we managed to spend some quality time with Dil’s Nanny & Grandad and his Nana, and it’s lovely to watch how much they love Dil. He really thrives when he is around them, so it’s just something that really does put a smile on my face.
- Friends. Someone very lovely sent me a message a few days ago, asking me what was up. I hadn’t said a word to her, I hadn’t mentioned to anyone that there was anything wrong, she just knew. It really made me feel all warm and fuzzy to know she had sensed it and was there for me. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by some incredible friends and I really try hard to appreciate them all.
- Parenting. There are so many days when I feel like I’ve failed. So many days when I’m pretty sure I am royally f*ing up. But sometimes there’s these little glimmers of hope, little things you need that happen just as you’re about to fall off the edge. Little things that pull you back and remind you that you must be getting something right. This week Dil has made me so so proud probably 100 times, by being lovely and kind and just wonderful. He comes out with these little phrases or actions and I know it’s a reminder to me that I am doing ok.
- Mooncups. Just thought I’d throw this random one in because it truly has been a little thing that has improved my week! Look out for a whole post on my life changing menstrual cup soon!
Last Week’s Favourites
This week I want to give a little shout out to everyone who linked up. Me and Jodie are super grateful to everyone who does and we love this growing community.
There were some lovely posts last week from Pickle and Poppet, Little Fish, Mama Cat and Baby Bee and Virtually All Sorts. Looking forward to seeing more of you this week!
Over to you! What have you loved this week? What’s made you smile? Link up your posts over at Dear Little Daisy this week, and join the linky party to share the joy of your week.
- Grab the badge below to add to your post, and link it up. One post per week please.
- Check out some of the other posts and feel free to comment, like and share to spread the love and support the community
- We’d love it if you could tweet your link using the linky hashtag #itsthelittlethingslinky – we’ll retweet every post we are tagged in – @dilanandme and @dearlittledaisy
- Check back next week to see which posts were our favourite! We will both share our highlights next week so don’t miss that
- Linky closes at 11pm the following Monday and re-opens every Tuesday at 9am

Hi Lauren! Shannon here =)
The Little Things sounds so lovely and I will surely jump into joining. Seems like you had a lovely week. I’m not really close with my extended family so I can completely relate. Being a newly expecting mom I can understand why you’ll love to for Dil to have closer family bonds. I’m sure once my unborn son is here this May, I will be thinking the same way.
Great post!
xx Shannon / http://www.duedatediaries.com
Ah thanks for mentioning my post Lauren, it’s a lovely linky! Thanks for hosting. I’m fascainated by the mooncup and will have a look out for your post!
I have always been a big family person and it is something that Sam isn’t used to as his family just aren’t like that.I probably see his parents more than he does.
I think that we all go through that stage every now and again, I know I definitely do, especially the days where I feel like I have been shouty but like you, it takes one thing for Reuben to say and I know it isn’t all bad. We can’t be perfect we just have to do our best! #TheLittleThingsLinky
Looking forward to your mooncup post. I’m in the verge of taking the leap, just need convincing.