As promised here is my full list of ideas for our RAOK project this summer. You can read more about the project here. The idea is for us to get people carrying out a few random acts of kindness (as many as you can/want to) over the summer holidays to bring some happiness and joy into everyone’s lives! You can aim for one a week or a couple a month or how ever many you can fit into your summer fun.
This list is far from exhaustive. I’ve tried to keep it pretty simple and provide ideas that vary in the amount of effort required, from a few minutes to a whole day. I’ve tried to include ideas that are free, pretty cheap and those that might cost a little more. I’ve also tried not to make it too specific to our location so that everyone can easily join in. Hopefully it will serve as some kind of inspiration for those of you wanting to get involved; Whether you want to just choose one or two activities, whether you want to do as many as you can or whether you want to think up your own random acts of kindness. What’s important here is not spending loads of time and money or ticking them all off the list. It’s about starting a ripple of kindness, making someone’s day a little brighter (as well as your own) and making the world a little better. It’s about teaching our children that being kind can take hardly any effort but the result can be huge, and showing them the joy that can be found in spreading a little happiness.
I’m so excited to get started on some of these ideas and even more excited to see what people joining in come up with. As we complete the activities I’ll be posting what we did and information to relevant organisations to make it easier for you to get involved too.
Simple Random Acts of Kindness
Donate some supplies to your local food bank
Leave happy notes around town
Pay for the person behind you in the queue or drive through
Buy a meal for someone in need
Donate some pet food to an animal shelter
Pick up 5 pieces of rubbish at your local park
Give a flower to a stranger
Donate some old toys
Bake a treat for your local emergency services
Leave bookmarks or cheerful notes inside library books
Compliment a stranger
Post a letter to someone who needs reminding that they are loved
Buy some blankets from a charity shop and pass them on to someone in need
Plant some flowers to attract bees and other wildlife
Smile at everyone you see
Watch a busker perform and applaud
Paint kindness stones and put them along the path to make people smile
Leave a present out for your bin or post people
Send a thank you note to someone who might not feel appreciated
Build a bird feeder
Visit a lonely relative or neighbour
Tape some change to a parking or vending machine
Have a wardrobe clear out and donate some old clothes to a charity shop
Put some change in a charity collection pot
Offer to walk someone’s dog
Visit a sanctuary or animal shelter
Take a coffee or cold drink to someone who needs one
Donate some nappies to your local baby bank
Be kind to yourself – because you deserve it
Find a pal through Post Pal and send them a letter
Buy a suspended coffee
Buy a copy of the Big Issue
Donate some underwear to Smalls for All
Give a box of sanitary products to your nearest shelter #thehomelessperiod
Bake a cake for someone
Leave an anonymous present on a friend or neighbours doorstep
Buy something from a local charity shop
Visit a local shop instead of your usual supermarket
Share some words of kindness with someone who needs them
Remember to share what you get up to using #summerofRAOKs so we can all be inspired by each other and we spread those kindness ripples are far as we possibly can.
Great project!
Today I planted some flowers for the Bee’s and donated a bag of clothes. I also put an elderly ladies wheelie bin out for her. It’s been a good #SummerofRAOKs
Wow great work!! So good to hear xx
I love this! I can’t wait to get started with my littles xx
Oh yay! I can’t wait to see what you get up to xx
Love these ideas – but what is a suspended coffee?!
I’ve signed up to volunteer with a charity that helps local elderly people – you become a buddy to them, help them out where you can or just pop in or call for a chat. I’m looking for local youth projects to get involved in too.
I think you saw my post on Instagram where I sat and shared bread and jam with a little old man I met in Tesco – was such a lovely experience and has made me realise I need to be more open to meeting new people and stepping out of my comfort zone.
Thanks for the inspiration
A suspended coffee is when you pay for a coffee and they sort of put it on hold for someone who’s in need. So someone can go in and claim a free coffee. I think Starbucks do it and lots of independent cafes. That’s brilliant! I think your story about hsving lunch with that guy was so inspirational and exactly what this is about. You both brightened each others day with such a small act. The world needs more of that xx