This year for me is really about simplifying. It’s about loving myself more, accepting myself and being proud of what I have achieved. It’s about appreciating each day, and doing things we love to do. It’s not about huge goals and tonnes of pressure. It’s about focussing on the little moments, the small things, the things that make you smile. Those warm feelings you get when you are truly happy and content.
It’s so easy to forget these moments, when you’re down or tired or stressed. It’s so easy to forget the 10 lovely little things that made you smile this week when all you can concentrate on is the 1 not so great thing. So here is my very simple solution.
Every time something makes me smile, every time we spend the day doing something special, or we spend the day doing nothing and it’s just as wonderful, I’m going to pop it into this jar. And next New Year’s Eve, or in fact any time I’m feeling a little miserable I can open up this jar and remind myself of all those little pieces of magic I’d forgotten about. All the memories we created totally accidentally, and all the things I want to remember for a lifetime.
Anyone else starting a happy notes jar or journal? What other things do you to remember the little things?