Site icon Lauren Ashley Gordon

BEAR Yoyos – Space Race Adventure

We have been a huge fan of BEAR Nibbles for a very long time, so when they got in touch about the launch of their new BEAR Yoyos Space Race campaign I got very excited. BEAR Yoyos are our go to after school snack because they are fun and delicious, made with 100% pure fruit and veg (no added sugar or concentrates) and count towards 1 of your 5 a day! Dil loves the fun and factual collectible cards inside each pack, and I love knowing he’s enjoying a healthy low sugar snack, one pack contains the same amount of natural sugar as a small apple.

Each year the BEAR cards that come with BEAR Yoyos have a different focus, and each one contains fun facts and interesting info to engage kids. This year BEAR are launching an exciting Space Race around the solar system, featuring four expert astronauts adventuring through space and learning fun facts along the way. We spend a lot of time looking up at the stars and thinking about the moon and planets, so I know that Dil is going to really enjoy finding  Grrreat Space Race cards in his BEAR Yoyos and learning more about outer space.

To celebrate the Space Race, BEAR sent us a Space Race kit full of outer space goodies, and plenty of BEAR Yoyos to snack on while we explore the solar system together.

Solar System Adventure

The box was full of fun space related activities, and we got straight to it (once Dil had a little snack of course!). Firstly we found a glow in the dark stars and planets set, and we had a lot of fun learning about each planet as we stuck our solar system to the wall. We used the guide to build the solar system and get all the planets in the right order, and then added some more stickers and stars. Dil really liked adding a few aliens and a rocket ship, and learnt a few space related facts as we played. Then he put on his gorgeous intergalactic space pyjamas which became his astronaut costume as we continued our adventure around the moon.

Bear’s Rocket Racers

Once our solar system was fully assembled Dil challenged me to a game of Bear’s Rocket Racers. We each picked a character from the BEAR Space Race and inserted our straw into their rocket ship. Whoever could blow their’s closest to the finish line was the winner. Dil’s favourite was Snowball the penguin in her ice cream shaped rocket, and he managed to beat me and my Hubble Trouble croc. Dil thought this game was a lot of fun, and he loved recognising the characters from the BEAR Yoyo cards he’s already collected. After the game he had more fun zooming the characters around our glowing solar system.

Moon Picnic

After all of that zooming around we were feeling very tired and a little peckish, so we decided we should head somewhere to have a rest. Luckily BEAR included a picnic on the moon blanket in our Space Race kit, so we blasted back off into space and headed for the moon. Once we’d landed safely we sat down and enjoyed a well-earned BEAR Yoyo snack.

We had a lot of fun with our Grrreat Space Race kit, and Dil loved learning more about outer space. He’s really looking forward to collecting all of the BEAR Yoyo cards, and finding all of his favourite BEAR astronauts. I have a feeling we will be spending a lot more time adventuring through our solar system now, and will be having plenty more BEAR Yoyo picnics on the moon!

There are plenty of Space Race cards for your little one to collect, and don’t forget to save your packet bearcodes to claim your free map and stickers too.

*This is a collaborative post*

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